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Kenosha and Racial Reckoning

FCAB to CAP TIMES: Changes Needed to Laws, Policies

FCAB: 19 Standard Operating Procedures for Milwaukee Police Dept.

AWARD: FCAB presented the LULAC Wisconsin “Partner in Change” Award

Shepherd Express: Minorities Targeted by Milwaukee Police

R.L. McNeely Letter to CAP Times: Oversight Needed

WUWM: Disproportionate Incarceration and Revocation

The Amazing Results When You Give a Prison Inmate a Liberal Arts Education

Letter to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Independent Oversight Needed

Consider Independent Oversight for State DOC

R.L. McNeely: Independent oversight could reduce problems in juvenile prisons

Independent Oversight For Department Of Corrections

Advocacy Board Locked Out

Desperate People

FCAB Mental Health Committee Recommendations

FCAB and NAACP Support Waupun Inmates on Hunger Strike

Is It Time For Mass Incarceration To End?

Lisa Kaiser, Milwaukee Today: NAACP’s Report on the City’s African Americans, Express Milwaukee.Com, 6/21/11
Danielle Wright, More Black Males Needed in Milwaukee, Black Entertainment Television News Story, 6/23/11
NAACP Releases Report: State of the Black Man in Milwaukee, Madison Times, 7/1/11
David Pate, Let’s Help Ex-Prisoners Find Work, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 7/16/11
Lisa Kaiser, The Frustrating Mission of Putting Inmates Back to Work, Shepherd Express, 1/7/09
WUWM, Disproportionate Incarceration and Revocation

Tom Poston, “Racial Gaps Found in Traffic Stops in Milwaukee,” Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 12/3/11

Statement on Baraboo High School Photo

Position Statement against Assembly 48

Milwaukee Women’s Correctional Center: 2018 Inmate Activity Review

Draper-Becker Inquiry

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