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About FCAB


As of March 3, 2015, the Felmers O. Chaney Advocacy Board (FCAB) is an independent body and is not affiliated with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections or any other governmental body or institution. FCAB is an advocacy board comprised of private citizens guided by a shared concern for social justice, corrections policy, and the successful re-entry of former inmates as they return to their communities. All documents on this site pre-dating March 3, 2015 are historical and in reference to FCAB’s prior incarnation as a Wisconsin Department of Corrections affiliated citizens advisory board. Click on the History tab for a chronology of the evolution of the Board.


Number: FCAB shall consist of no more than twenty-five (25) voting members, and no less than fifteen (15) voting members.

Eligibility: Any individual who resides within Milwaukee's Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) is eligible for FCAB voting membership. No individual who is eligible for membership shall be denied membership on the basis of race, gender, income, age, sexual preference, disability, national origin, creed, color, marital status, arrest record, or conviction record.

Qualifications: FCAB members shall have, individually, as basic personal qualifications, intelligence, integrity, competence, good moral character, an interest in correctional issues, and a willingness and availability to serve FCAB, its purpose, objectives, and mission.


Procedure for Appointment: A vacancy resulting from a voting or associate member's death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, may be filled by FCAB. (A.) The qualifications for FCAB membership of a prospective FCAB voting member shall be presented to FCAB by an existing member of FCAB, following which the prospective member shall appear before FCAB for interviewing purposes by FCAB. Presuming a quorum, acceptance by FCAB shall require a simple majority vote. (B.) The qualifications for FCAB membership of a prospective associate member shall be presented to FCAB by an existing member of FCAB without the requirement of an appearance by the prospective associate member for interviewing purposes. Presuming a quorum, acceptance by FCAB shall require a simple majority vote. (C.) Under exigent circumstances, a candidate for full voting membership, or for associate membership, may be approved by a quorum of affirmative votes.


Meeting Requirements: Regular meetings of FCAB shall be held six (6) times per year, or as needed, with notice of such place and hour as may be fixed from time to time by Board resolution.



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